Is There Not A Cause?

Scripture:  1 Samuel 17:12–37a

Greetings ‘Fan’-tastic Passengers,
Sometimes in life, on your path to fulfilling your God-given destiny, you will encounter 'giant,' unfair situations, where your gifts, talents and motive for doing things for God, are being demeaned by others.  They may just choose to ignore, misinterpret or wrongfully judge you, for the reason that you do what you do, for the glory of God and for the good of His people.  But is there not a cause for you, nonetheless,  to rise up and fight the good fight of faith, so that God would be glorified, and all things would work together for the good of His people?

In the life of the nation of Israel, there was a time when the Philistines, their neighbours, bullied and oppressed them for many years.  They even took great pride in flaunting  their champion Goliath, in the face of  Israel on the battlefield.  With this display of instilling fear into the hearts of the Israelites and breathing harsh abusive words from the mouth of the Philistine giant, the men of Israel, shivered in fear.  Therefore, instead of standing up in bravery to fight with Goliath and defeat him, they were all crippled by fear and went into retreat mode.

Consequently, Israel had became mentally enslaved to the Philistines and were in need of emancipation. They needed someone from among them, to rise up in bravery and confidence in the God of Israel, to defeat Goliath. By defeating Goliath, Israel would be emancipated from their mental state of slavery to the Philistines, as the reproach of the Philistines, would be removed from them and God would receive all the glory, as He would work all things out for the good of the people.

Subsequently, the situation presented an opportunity, for David, the youngest son of Jesse, only a youth, yet anointed, brave and confident in His God, to fight with Goliath, on the historical stage, which was designed by God. David's motive was that, God and not he, would receive glory, from the circumstance, as Goliath would be defeated and the reproach would be removed from the people of Israel. 

Nevertheless, as David expressed his willingness to stand up to the giant, he was belittled by his own family member. His oldest brother Eliab, was angry with him for showing up at the battlefield, when he was only sent there by his father, to deliver  food to them.  In addition, he also erroneously implied to everyone around, that David was a careless person, to have left, his father’s sheep, unattended.

Nevertheless, David, who had what I call a  “giant Slayer,” mentality, ignored his brother’s hurtful comments and persevered in the purposes of God, for the cause of the Lord and the good of the people.  Finally, his perseverance paid off, as his words were heard by the King, who sent for him.  The secret here is to note that, God works in unlikely ways, to bring mankind victory and for Him to receive all the glory.  Therefore, little David, was eventually granted the privilege, to fight with Goliath.  Miraculously, and shocking to everyone around, David defeated Goliath, with only a staff in his hand, and his sling and stone.
Family conflicts, criticisms and demeaning of your ministry by others, are some of the, 'giant,' circumstances, which hurts and will constantly present themselves before you.   

Nevertheless, do not sit in the seat of, 'feeling victimized,' by these circumstances. 

Instead, rise up and fight the good fight of faith, as these situations come to help mold and shape you to become a person of excellence, possessing a forgiving heart.  This forgiving heart further transforms you to become more patient, merciful and tender-hearted, in your relationship with others.  it also ignites you to become a  more determined individual in your faith, for the cause and glory of the Lord and for the good of His people.
C’mon somebody.  Is there not a cause? 
Yes, there is a cause to fight the good fight of faith, so  that God would be glorified, as you defeat every, “giant” circumstance that you face in life and all things would work together for the good of His people.
Stay strong!  Stay encouraged!

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